Üdvözöljük a Szomor Pince Borház honlapján

Rendezvényszervezés, Borkóstolás: 0620-971-7737

                              About us...


pince_2.jpgThe Szomor Winery, which dates back to decades, is a family undertaking. 16 hectares of land is done near Harkány, on the Tenkes mountain range.The grape is produced here to Máriagyűdi Olaszrizling, to Irsai Olivér, Portugieser, Chardonnay, to Szürkebarát, and Rosé.Really the viticulturist begins as a Hobby, at Szomor János, but the positive acknowledgements and the prizewinning wines showed him, that the talent is found still to the winery and dealing with him as a hobby only would be big harm.

The more youthful generation is the integral part of the wine-cellars' weekdays already today.

szolo2.jpgThe wine-cellars prepare their wines with a traditional procedure. The incoming grape goes through repeated manual selecting on the time of the vintage, a stalk, immature one may not get into the container already. The optimal one being equal to the size of the possession processing capacity they take action, in its interest, how he should not be needed (you are place because of device deficiency for example) to strike a compromise the vintage time in electing him. The characteristic red and white kinds of the wine-growing region can be found in the supply.

It onto this roaming Guests the remarkably high-level one, closed may recognise it through a whole year and free terraced one are suitable for a guest reception tavern.Visit us and enjoy the Szomor János manufactured wines, the local food specialities and not in a last row the proprietor's hospitality.














Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 2
Tegnapi: 4
Heti: 11
Havi: 140
Össz.: 57 493

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Oldal: About us
Üdvözöljük a Szomor Pince Borház honlapján - © 2008 - 2025 - szomor-pince-borhaz.hupont.hu

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